Learning Vygostky’s Socialcultural Theory

Let’s learn Vygostky, and Socialcultural Theory!

What is Socialcultural theory?
The socio-cultural theory created by Lev Vygotsky argues that cognitive development only occurs within the culture that the individual is raised and exposed to. ( Feldman, 2016 p. 19)  He believed that children learnt and grew from social interactions with the people that surrounded them.  This could be from parents and other adults and children that they were exposed to regularly.  Interactions of play with other children or being guided in how to perform certain tasks all contributed to higher mental functions.    He believed that higher mental functions developed through these interactions with others and these interactions represented a shared knowledge of a culture.

Move around the board of life. Start as an infant baby, and see where you end up and how your ZONE OF PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT changes as you learn by connecting with others.


Laurie M. (n.d.). Roll For Gameology. Retrieved from https://rollforgameology.trubox.ca/ip-5/

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Publisher Name. DOI (if available)

Person or group who uploaded video. (Date of publication). Title of video [Video]. Website host. URL

Photographer, P. (Year of publication). Title of photograph [Photograph]. Source. URL